Monday, January 26, 2015

Our Bodies are Amazing

Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while.
A few weeks ago I had an accident in the kitchen whilst preparing tea.  I sliced off a good part of my little finger on one of those mandolin slicers!  Strangely enough it didn’t hurt all that much – I obviously sliced through the nerves, and, thankfully, all my first aid training kicked in.  I grabbed a tea-towel and put pressure on the wound and got myself on the floor before I passed-out.  Luckily hubby was due home at any moment, which was good because I didn’t have my mobile phone on me!
I asked hubby if there was a slice of skin on the worktop – there was, so I asked him to put it in a bag and take it with us to the Minor Injuries Unit.
Thankfully it was empty when I arrived; just as well as I passed out just as I got there! Swiftly hubby gave my details and we were sent through to the empty waiting room. I was only there a minute or two when a lovely nurse came to fetch me.
This wonderful nurse actually managed to glue the skin back onto my finger – I cannot thank her enough, she did an amazing job and, she was so excited 3 days later when I went for a check-up – the skin had taken - and she was proudly showing all and sundry her work!
I can’t tell you how lucky I feel right now – if the skin hadn’t taken, the wound was so bad that I would have had to have had a skin graft - and that would have taken weeks of recuperation!
Now less than 3 weeks since the accident, the crusty top layer has peeled off leaving beautiful shiny new skin beneath.  And even better, I don’t think I’m going to have much of a scar to show for it!  It;s still completely numb, and some activities are still quite difficult as it's my right hand and I'm right-handed.  But how fantastic our bodies are, that it can repair itself so quickly and so perfectly like that.
We truly are amazing!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy

If your NY Resolution this year is to give up smoking, again, then there is an easier way.  Providing you really WANT to give up then Hypnotherapy might be the solution for you.  Hypnotherapy works differently from most other therapies.  It's drug free and there is no physical manipulation.  We work directly with the subconscious mind helping you to make those positive changes by guiding you into a deeply relaxed trance state.  Here we can focus on those negative behaviours that you wish to change.  Results are often achieved faster than with other therapies.
The benefits of stopping begin straight away. You reduce your risk of getting serious disease no matter what age you give up.
 • Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure drops to normal
 • Within 24 hours the chance of a heart attack has decreased
 • Within 2 weeks circulation improves
 • Within 2 years the Lung Cancer death rate is almost halved!
However, the sooner you stop smoking, the greater the reduction in your risk.
 • Breathing improves
 • Chest infections and colds become less frequent
 • Reduction in 'smoker's cough'
 • The smell of stale tobacco on clothes, hair, breath, and face goes
 • Foods and drinks taste and smell much better
 • Finances improve immediately. A 20-a-day smoker spends around £60 a week, or £3,000 a year!
 • You look healthier and feel good about yourself
 • Physical activity is easier
So there is every reason to give up your smoking habit for good.
A Stop-Smoking Hypnotherapy sessions lasts up to 2-hours for just £130.  So you start saving money in 3 weeks!
Call me today on 07954406640 to book an appointment.

Monday, January 5, 2015

5 Step Plan to keeping your Resolutions

OK, it's that time of year again when we've all made promises to ourselves that we know we won't keep - to lose weight, get fit, drink less or stop smoking. 
How many years have these been your list of resolutions?
Statistically only 1 in 10 of us will achieve our goals!
So what's the point of even making these resolutions and how can we actually achieve them?
1. Start by making just one achievable goal only.  Don't make a list of 2, 3 or 4 things, just concentrate on one thing that is absolutely achievable and is something that you really want to do.
2. Break it down into manageable steps, so if your goal is to run a 5k challenge, Step 1 might be running around the block; Step 2:  running around the block without stopping; Step 3: running around the block faster; Step 4: running around the block twice
3. Get support.  Tell your friends and family what you’re doing and ask them to support you.  You’re more likely to achieve your goals if you have support.  Join a club where you will find lots of other people with the same interest who can support you.
4. Every night, as you go to sleep, think about all the things that have been good about your day, especially about your goal.
5. Don’t beat yourself up in you have a bad day!  You’re human, it happens, it’s only a temporary setback and you can get back on-track quickly again.  Don’t give up!
Whatever your resolution if you can stick with it for 4 weeks, you’re more likely to continue with it and the benefits to you will be huge.