Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Subtleties of Change

One of my clients last week said to me "I don't think this is working" meaning, of course, that Hypnotherapy wasn't working for her.
"Oh" I said, "Isn't it, well lets discuss that in a moment, first, tell me what's been good about your week". "Well" she said "my kids have been a lot calmer this week".
"That great, why do you think that is?" I asked.
"I suppose I've been a lot calmer as well"
"That's good, what else"
"I suppose I've managed to get on with things this last week, like housework and washing "
"Great, what else?"
"I've been able to get out and about and went to a friends for coffee, which was nice"
"Excellent. What else?"
"That's it really, actually it's been a really good week, I've achieved quite a lot"
"So you still think this isn't working?"
"Oh, well when you put it that way, I suppose it is"
I love the fact that for some clients change is so subtle they don't actually realise its happening. Then when you point it out they have a real lightbulb moment.

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