From the Archive - I was looking through old posts to check what I'd already written about and came across this - its still very valid today so thought I'd share it with you again as a reminder about the Power of Visualisation
Visualisation is a powerful way to help you turn
your dreams into reality. That's quite a statement to make, but there's a
lot of evidence out there to support it.
For instance, actor Jim Carrey, before he was famous, would park his car, every night, on Muholland Drive (a very famous road in LA) and then dream of becoming the Hollywood star that he inevitably
became. He even wrote himself a ten million dollar check for a movie deal, and
dated it five years from that very day. You can guess what happened?
Not long before that date came along, he secured ten million dollar deal to star in
the movie Dumb and Dumber.
It's not just Actors who have realised the power
of visualisation, but the elite and successful people in every field:
professional athletes, business CEO’s, speakers, singers, and performers.
Simply by replaying over and over again the mental images of where or who you
would like to be is the key to turning your vision from a day-dream into
Between the 1950s to the 1980's the Russians
dominated the Olympics. Why? Because part of their Olympic Team
included a number of Hypnotists who helped their athletes develop mental
clarity through visualisation!
Muhammad Ali and Glen Catley both used visualisation to help them win boxing fights. Andre Agassi repeatedly imagined himself winning the
Wimbledon long before he actually won it in 1992 and even Jack Nicklaus,
Golfer, would never hit a shot without having a sharp, focused picture of it in
his mind first.
Need more evidence? Science has
demonstrated that your brain cannot tell the difference between a visualized
image and reality. A Harvard study taught two groups a simple 5-fingered piano
melody; one group physically practiced the melody for 2 hours a day over 5
days. The other group merely visualized playing the melody. As you can probably
guess, the new neurological wiring that took place were almost identical
between the two groups.
But, of course, this isn't something just for the rich and famous, you can do it too and it doesn't cost a penny! So start visualising your dreams you could even create a dream board to help with your visualisation and see how you can start to change your future for the better.
But, of course, this isn't something just for the rich and famous, you can do it too and it doesn't cost a penny! So start visualising your dreams you could even create a dream board to help with your visualisation and see how you can start to change your future for the better.
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