Providing you really WANT to give up then Hypnotherapy
might be the solution for you. Hypnotherapy works differently from most
other therapies. It's drug free and there is no physical manipulation.
We work directly with the subconscious mind helping you to make those
positive changes by guiding you into a deeply relaxed trance state.
Here we can focus on those negative behaviours that you wish to change.
Results are often achieved faster than with other therapies.
The benefits of stopping begin straight away. You reduce your risk of getting serious disease no matter what age you give up.
• Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure drops to normal
• Within 24 hours the chance of a heart attack has decreased
• Within 2 weeks circulation improves
• Within 2 years the Lung Cancer death rate is almost halved!
However, the sooner you stop smoking, the greater the reduction in your risk.
• Breathing improves
• Chest infections and colds become less frequent
• Reduction in 'smoker's cough'
• The smell of stale tobacco on clothes, hair, breath, and face goes
• Foods and drinks taste and smell much better
• Finances improve immediately. A 20-a-day smoker spends around £60 a week, or £3,000 a year!
• You look healthier and feel good about yourself
• Physical activity is easier
So there is every reason to give up your smoking habit for good.
A Stop-Smoking Hypnotherapy sessions costs just £130. So you start saving money in 3 weeks!
Call me today on 07954406640 to
book an appointment.
Ramblings of a Hypnotherapist
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
New Premises, New Beginnings

I hope I've managed to create a wonderfully relaxing room which is perfect for Hypnotherapy. I also run meditation classes from here too on a Thursday morning from 10am.
My new large room will enable me to expand my business into new and
exciting things such as training courses (Spiritual Healing) and group
therapy sessions for Hypno-Birthing, so watch the websites for details.
Also if you're interested in Aloe Vera I'm a distributor for Forever Living so you can order through me and collect or I can deliver if you live locally. Ask me if you would like to "Try Before You Buy".
My new address is The Cottage, Ridgewood Community Centre, 244 Station Road, Yate, BS37 4AF and you are welcome to pop in tomorrow (Tuesday 9th Feb) as I'm having an Open Day if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer.
Monday, January 25, 2016
You Can Rewire Your Brain
So, here we are nearly at the end of January already, where does the time go? Christmas is but a distant memory and as our thoughts now start to turn to our Summer holidays, how well are you're sticking to your New Year's Resolution? Probably not very well and I suspect that if you've taken on 3 or 4 changes most of them have fallen by the wayside already.
But don't despair - forget about those resolutions you've not stuck with for the time being, put them to the back of your mind and start to really concentrate on just the one you're still doing.
It can take up to 6 weeks of hard work in order to re-wire your brain into accepting these changes into becoming your new habit. You see a habit is like a well-worn path
through a large field. So, let’s say
this path takes you to marshland and that is not where you want to go any more. You would like to now go to the
berry bush in the corner of the field.
The only problem is that there is no path to the berry bush, and the
grass in the field is four feet high and hard to walk through.
Obviously, the thing you need to do is
to make a new path. It may be a little
difficult and will certainly be a lot harder than going down the well-worn
path. But, if you want to get to the
berry bush that is what you need to do.
Imagine you have walked to the berry
bush a couple of times creating a rough but visible pathway. Then you begin down the original path again
and you come to a fork where you see the well-worn path that leads to the
marshland and the less trodden path that leads to the berry bush.
What happens when you choose the berry
bush path every time you come to the fork?
It becomes easier and easier to walk down. And what happens to the other path? It grows over and becomes more and more difficult
to walk down. A new habit is forming and
at some point it will become effortless, automatic.
So, the good news is…..we all have the
ability to learn and change by re-wiring our brains. If you have ever changed a bad habit or
thought about something differently, you have created a new pathway in your
brain. With repetition and desire you
can rewire your brain!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The Power of Visualisation
From the Archive - I was looking through old posts to check what I'd already written about and came across this - its still very valid today so thought I'd share it with you again as a reminder about the Power of Visualisation
Visualisation is a powerful way to help you turn
your dreams into reality. That's quite a statement to make, but there's a
lot of evidence out there to support it.
For instance, actor Jim Carrey, before he was famous, would park his car, every night, on Muholland Drive (a very famous road in LA) and then dream of becoming the Hollywood star that he inevitably
became. He even wrote himself a ten million dollar check for a movie deal, and
dated it five years from that very day. You can guess what happened?
Not long before that date came along, he secured ten million dollar deal to star in
the movie Dumb and Dumber.
It's not just Actors who have realised the power
of visualisation, but the elite and successful people in every field:
professional athletes, business CEO’s, speakers, singers, and performers.
Simply by replaying over and over again the mental images of where or who you
would like to be is the key to turning your vision from a day-dream into
Between the 1950s to the 1980's the Russians
dominated the Olympics. Why? Because part of their Olympic Team
included a number of Hypnotists who helped their athletes develop mental
clarity through visualisation!
Muhammad Ali and Glen Catley both used visualisation to help them win boxing fights. Andre Agassi repeatedly imagined himself winning the
Wimbledon long before he actually won it in 1992 and even Jack Nicklaus,
Golfer, would never hit a shot without having a sharp, focused picture of it in
his mind first.
Need more evidence? Science has
demonstrated that your brain cannot tell the difference between a visualized
image and reality. A Harvard study taught two groups a simple 5-fingered piano
melody; one group physically practiced the melody for 2 hours a day over 5
days. The other group merely visualized playing the melody. As you can probably
guess, the new neurological wiring that took place were almost identical
between the two groups.
But, of course, this isn't something just for the rich and famous, you can do it too and it doesn't cost a penny! So start visualising your dreams you could even create a dream board to help with your visualisation and see how you can start to change your future for the better.
But, of course, this isn't something just for the rich and famous, you can do it too and it doesn't cost a penny! So start visualising your dreams you could even create a dream board to help with your visualisation and see how you can start to change your future for the better.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Don't suffer from IBS again this Christmas
Irritable Bowel
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive problem often causing bouts of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation. It's thought to affect up to 1 in 5 people at some point in their life, and affects twice as many women as men. The symptoms vary from person to person and tend to come and go in periods lasting a few days to a few months at a time. It’s often related to eating certain foods, but it’s most certainly related to stress and anxiety.
So, to help you suffer less through this most testing time of year, here's a little tip that you can try to help you to deal with your anxiety.
As you go to bed at night think of 3 or more things that have been good about the day. It could be something somebody said, or did, something in nature that caught your attention, a moment of beauty, of learning, a smile or laughter. But by thinking more positive thoughts before you go to sleep, it will help you to start getting a better night’s sleep and that will help you and your body to feel more relaxed. And if you’re feeling more relaxed, you’ll be less anxious and that’s going to help your IBS enormously!
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive problem often causing bouts of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation. It's thought to affect up to 1 in 5 people at some point in their life, and affects twice as many women as men. The symptoms vary from person to person and tend to come and go in periods lasting a few days to a few months at a time. It’s often related to eating certain foods, but it’s most certainly related to stress and anxiety.
So, to help you suffer less through this most testing time of year, here's a little tip that you can try to help you to deal with your anxiety.
As you go to bed at night think of 3 or more things that have been good about the day. It could be something somebody said, or did, something in nature that caught your attention, a moment of beauty, of learning, a smile or laughter. But by thinking more positive thoughts before you go to sleep, it will help you to start getting a better night’s sleep and that will help you and your body to feel more relaxed. And if you’re feeling more relaxed, you’ll be less anxious and that’s going to help your IBS enormously!
Monday, November 30, 2015
I keep being asked, when will you be doing a Chakra Dancing Class in the evenings as I can't come during the day. Well I have listened and I am delighted to say that a Monday Evening Class has been organised.
Chakra Dancing isn’t your normal type of exercise
class; it’s a dance therapy, a spiritual journey of transformation for
your mind, body and soul.
Every Monday at 7-8pm or Every Wednesday at 0930am -1030am
Conference Hall, Ridgewood Community Centre. 244 Station Road, Yate , BS37 4AF
(Park in the first Car Park on the right (Opposite Care Home entrance and we are in the first building on the right)
£5.00 each on the door - no pre-booking required.
Loose, layered clothing and Trainers are recommended.
You may dance in bare feet at your own risk.
Please bring drinking water with you.
No coordination necessary and no set routines.
Suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.
No floor work involved!
We all experience energy blocks in the body, causing us
to suffer from fatigue, low energy levels, anxiety, lack of confidence,
or simply the pressures of everyday life. Imagine allowing your body
to simply release it and let it go.
If you’re not sure what chakras are, they are spinning
wheels of energy located all over your body. We have thousands of them
but the seven main chakras are located along our spine from its base to
just above the head. Each chakra is represented by a different colour
of the rainbow and is associated with a particular part of the body.
Chakras also have a different vibration; from the root which has a
heavy deep base vibration, to the crown which has a light angelic
Over time our Chakras can become blocked, causing us to
feel low, run down and fatigued. With a different piece of music
relating to each of the 7 main chakra centres, this dance therapy will
help you to release any blockages and leave you feeling energised and
yet completely balanced within, improving your health and well-being -
physically, mentally and emotionally.
Through spontaneous free-form dancing, guided by an
instructor, we can free up our natural energy flows to harmonise and
balance the energy centres that run throughout the body, creating
positive changes that you can really benefit from.
Best of all, there are no steps or routines to learn
and no coordination is needed. Just feel the music, let go and dance
your own dance. And because you dance your own dance, there are no
expectations of you and no-one forcing you to do this or do that which
makes it suitable for all ages, all fitness levels and all abilities.
Monday, November 23, 2015
How Fragile Is Life
It's been a while since my last blog. But life has taken a rather exhausting route over the last few months. My husband put his back out in August after lifting a role of lead. It started out as just a twinge of pain here and there, a reminder that he'd lifted something heavy. We just thought with a bit of massage, a heat wrap and a trip to the Chiropractor the pain would eventually ease and he'd be back to normal within a few weeks. We had no idea that after 10 weeks off sick, two trips to A&E and enough medication to start up a pharmacy, we would be waiting for him to go in for operation in a few days time.
But its got me thinking about how fragile our lives really are and how quickly everything can change. Even though his back pain isn't life threatening, he doesn't have a terminal illness and after the operation he should be up and about fairly quickly, we have both been on an emotional roller coaster for the last 10 weeks which has left us both physically and emotionally exhausted. Thankfully we can see that end is in sight and we are both hugely relieved that it will soon all be over and he will be back to his normal self.
It's really brought it home to me how important all those things I teach my clients are to help them through those times in our lives when we struggle to cope. We've both been listening to my hypnotherapy CD at night-times and he's still been cracking jokes and keeping us both positive and laughing through it all.
But its got me thinking about how fragile our lives really are and how quickly everything can change. Even though his back pain isn't life threatening, he doesn't have a terminal illness and after the operation he should be up and about fairly quickly, we have both been on an emotional roller coaster for the last 10 weeks which has left us both physically and emotionally exhausted. Thankfully we can see that end is in sight and we are both hugely relieved that it will soon all be over and he will be back to his normal self.
It's really brought it home to me how important all those things I teach my clients are to help them through those times in our lives when we struggle to cope. We've both been listening to my hypnotherapy CD at night-times and he's still been cracking jokes and keeping us both positive and laughing through it all.
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